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Groundhog Day!!!


40-60 years of age is the most common age group to be diagnosed with ALS

This morning we got up and did it all over again! Kind of like the movie Groundhog Day... Today however was a bit more tedious of a ride. 70 miles in the sun (86 degrees when we finished) on Route 5 which is kind of a busy road. We really had to focus and concentrate to avoid pot holes, road kill and other hazards on the shoulder of the road while managing a pretty strong headwind and more than a few hills. We were excited to find a small ice cream shop with about 15 miles left for the day. Most of us were very glad to get off the bikes and in fact many jumped into a local river while we awaited our pick up from our support vehicles since we turned off the road just before the spot where they were waiting for us. Charlie has been a beast on the bike with his young 17 year old legs, just gliding up the hills without any effort. Very proud of what he is accomplishing here while supporting our family efforts for ALS.

The best part of the route was definitely the rest stops as the LG crew picked out very picturesque waterfront parks with lovely views and all the accommodations we needed, once again out doing themselves. Speaking of the LG crew, I forgot to mention in yesterday's post that Scott Golan saved us from about a 20 mile detour by talking the DPW worker into opening a closed road for us. When we arrived, a huge barricade had been removed and Scott was waiving us through. I was thinking for about 3 miles that we were going to get into big trouble for going down a closed road before I found out that Scott had gotten approval. Way to go Scott - above and beyond in his efforts to make our ride go smoothly. Rod came to the rescue today of a local young angler who caught a pretty nice small mouth bass but couldn't get it off the hook.

We rode into NY today and tomorrow hope to pass the 1/2 way milage point. When we arrived at our hotel, we were surprised to see Gio's sister in-law waiting in the lobby as she lives about 4 miles down the road. Another surprise visitor walked through the door as we were sitting in the common area enjoying Apres riding. I looked up and saw our church friend, Barb Barnes! Boy was I shocked. She came to the area to visit her sister and just happened to be staying at the same hotel!

The LG crew jumped into action for dinner by ordering a lovely Italian meal for take out and bringing it back to our hotel lobby where we enjoyed a lovely feast as a team. Dinner tonight was graciously provided for us by Samantha Macchia and Summit Financial in Columbus, OH! Thank you very much for your gracious contribution. It was very much appreciated.

The award ceremony today recognized Frank Marsico for being the Hulk on the Hybrid as he fought his way gallantly up every hill and Maryanne Foster for being the Most Versatile Team Player for doing a little bit of everything!

Guess we will get up and do it all over again tomorrow!

With hope and gratitude,


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The ALS Oxford, OH to Boxford, MA Ride for Hope

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