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Scenic Road Bike

Riding for Doug McIlvaine, Mary Lopez and so many others in the hope to find a cure for ALS

Goal - $100,000 or more... wow!


How it all started...


It all started with a phone call from one of Doug’s college fraternity brothers from Alpha Delta Phi, Dave Foster, “Foz” who said, “Dolly, I have a crazy idea I want to run by you!  I want to ride my bike 1000 miles from Oxford, Ohio to Boxford, Massachusetts to raise awareness and money for ALS in Doug’s honor.” (Oxford, Ohio is where Doug and Dave or (Foz) went to college (Miami of Ohio) and Boxford, MA was where Doug grew up. Without offering a second thought, I replied, “I’m all in!”  Thus The ALS Oxford to Boxford Ride for Hope began to take shape. I have never been one to shy away from crazy ideas!


What followed was many months of planning, strategizing, training, recruiting, fundraising, etc.  We are now less than 20 weeks away from making this dream a reality!

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Many hands, One heart

A 1000 mile bike ride from Oxford, Ohio to Boxford, Massachusetts

Estimated dates: June 13th, 2023 to June 29th, 2023

Some of the basics....

The Oxford to Boxford Ride for Hope to support ALS research will start Wednesday morning June 14th at the Alpha Delt house in Oxford, Ohio - 22 South Campus Ave.  There are likely to be about 6-8 riders leaving from the house for day 1 of what will be a 17 day adventure (15 days of riding) covering roughly 1,000 miles to Boxford Mass. 


So far, the riders who have committed to the entire route include: Dave Foster (MU'81), Team Captain and Lead Organizer; Dolly McIlvaine, Doug's wife;  Steve Lopez, a strong advocate to find a cure for ALS since his beloved wife Mary passed of the disease in 2019 and Rodney McGregor, An Alpha Delt brother and MU grad of '79. 


Other likely riders out of Oxford include:


 Neal Restivo (MU ‘82), Fred Carmean (MU ‘77) and Dick Wagner (MU ‘80). Sarah Conwell and Gio DeLuca


Other riders who may join in along the way include:

Jim Jorling (MU'81);  Pierce Richardson (MU ' ); Susan Warner; Claudia Worth; Linda Carpino, John O'Rourke; Matt Sullivan; Dave Read; Margaret McCarthy;Dave Hardin; Danny McIlvaine, Doug and Dolly's oldest son and a MU grad of '13; Charlie McIlvaine, Doug and Dolly's youngest son and currently an junior at Masconomet Regional High School.  


Driving support vans will be - Rick Palumbo (MU'81); Doug McIlvaine (MU'82), Jeff Wagner (MU81).Tim Hecker (MU ‘78), Scott Golan (MU ‘80).  Rose Lockwood may also be providing support along the route. 


There will be a small celebration in East Boxford Center on Friday, June 30th at approximately 2:00pm and a party Saturday July 1st at the McIlvaine home in Topsfield around noontime.  We hope as many friends, family and supporters will join us for the celebrations!

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Doug McIlvaine and Jeff Wagner visit Fenway Park and take in the view from the Green Monster seats!  May 2021

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Doug McIlvaine, Jeff Wagner, Dave Foster - Fraternity brothers for life!

Women Road Biking

Additional Logistics

If you are interested in joining us as a rider, please register at: and click the red button to join the team.


If you are interested in donating to the ride, you can donate to the team at or follow the link for a specific rider listed in their profile.



Rider Responsibilities...

  • Riders can join in at any point along the way as long as you are a registered rider.  As we are working hard to raise funds to support the ALS Association, we ask that every rider do their part.  There is no minimum amount and the sky is the limit!

  • Since this is not a well supported ride, getting to and from your starting and ending points will be your responsibility.  We will have vans along the way and can possibly help out with some logistics but this will need to be planned in advance.

  • Riders should carry supplies for small repairs including flat tires.

  • Safety is primary so please plan on wearing helmets!

  • If you plan to spend an overnight, or two or three..., please connect with us early so that we can include you in hotel reservations.  The cost of lodging and food will be on each individual!

Please click the blog button on the menu in the top right corner of this website to stay updated on our adventures.  We plan to post an entry periodically leading up to the ride and then every day of the ride!  

Graphic is not an indication of how fast we will be traveling!!!  Just a stock imagine!!!  

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My husband, Doug McIlvaine received his devastating diagnosis in February of 2019 when he was told he had ALS and was given 2-5 years to live.  As you can imagine, the news changed our life completely.  From the heartbreaking pain of sharing the news with our children and extended family and friends, to figuring out long term financial planning and ultimately, how to manage this thing called dying, we have been slowly plodding our way through each day trying to understand our new normal.  To date, Doug has been one of the lucky ones as his progression has been slow.  The doctors are a bit mystified with his progression and thus have acknowledged that their life expectancy prediction needs to be amended, but have also told us that they have no idea how fast or slow he will continue to progress.  The Grim Reaper of ALS lurks just around every corner and although at times we may get lulled into a sense of normalcy, any small symptom can create a myriad of fear and worry. 


Thoughts from Dolly McIlvaine

Doug was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 59.  He had been an avid hockey player, baseball/softball player, skier, and golfer for most of his life.  He is an amazing husband, son, father of three mostly grown kids and a very rambunctious Golden Doodle.  He had rarely been sick his entire life.  This diagnosis came out of nowhere and initially knocked him on his rear, but he has vowed not to let this diagnosis define him.

Team Hope, a dedicated group of cyclists made up of friends and family, have been riding in the Massachusetts Ride to Defeat ALS for the last several years.  


We have decided to partner with the Massachusetts Chapter of the ALS Association for the Oxford to Boxford ride. The ALS Association has set a goal to make ALS a "livable" disease by 2030! Please join us to make this a reality.



Mary Lopez

Mary was simply the most unselfish person I’ve ever met.  She was devoted to caring for children and gained the nickname of Mary Poppins due to her chosen profession.  We have named our ALS bike team, Bike in Time, to celebrate her link to this famous nanny.  Our time together was too short but I was blessed to have her in my life and proud to stand by her side as she fought this disease with true grit.  In addition to being a big fan of anything Disney, Mary was very fond of Winnie the Pooh.  I read Winnie Pooh stories often to her during the challenging years of battling ALS.  The following Pooh quote still rings in my ears when I think about her.  “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” 


Memories from Steve Lopez, Mary's loving husband

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Proposed Route and Itinerary 
Subject to change...

Day 1 - June 14th - Oxford, OH to Cedarville, OH - 65 miles

The long anticipated start of this ride will begin from the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity house located at 22 South Campus Ave. - Oxford, Ohio.  Tentative start time is 8:30am.  The ride this day may be a bit hilly on the 1st half roads but the 2nd half will be mostly bike trail


We hope to spend the night at the Hearthstone Inn - Cedarville, Ohio 


Day 2 - June 15th - Cedarville, OH to Westerville, OH - 72 miles

This day we will be traveling mostly on the paved bike trail!  Smooth sailing... 


Day 3 - June 16th - Westerville, OH to Killbuck, OH - 70 miles

Almost all paved bike trail!  Smooth sailing again...


Day 4 - June 17th - Killbuck, OH to Akron, OH - 62 miles

Again, riding on the paved bike trail!



Day 5 - June 18th - Akron, OH to Rock Creek - 70 miles

Riding mostly on country roads!  


Day 6 - June 19th - REST Day!!! 

We will find something fun and exciting to do while we rest our legs!


Day 7 - June 20th - Rock Creek, OH to Erie, PA - 69 miles


Day 8 - June 21st - Erie, PA to Eden, NY - 69 miles


Day 9 - June 22nd - Eden, NY to Bergen, NY - 68 miles


Day 10 - June 23rd - Bergen, NY to Savannah, NY - 69 miles 


Day 11 - June 24th- Savannah, NY to Wampsville, NY - 65 miles


Day 12 - June 25th - REST DAY!!!

Day trip to Cooperstown and the Baseball Hall of Fame


Day 13 - June 26th - Wampsville, NY to Canajoharie. NY - 66 miles


Day 14 - June 27th - Canajoharie, NY to Poestenkill NY - 65 miles


Day 15 - June 28th - Poestenkill NY to Chesterfield MA - 53 miles


Day 16 - June 29th Chesterfield MA to Holden, MA - 60 miles


Day 17 - June 30th Holden, MA to BOXFORD, MA - 65 Miles


     Saturday - July 1st - Party at the McIlvaine home

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Hearthstone Inn, Cedarville, Ohio

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Rider Profiles
We plan to update this page as additional riders sign on! 
Please join us...


Dave Foster - Team Captain and Lead Organizer  
Planned route - Oxford to Boxford


Dave likes to stay active, and cycling has long been one of his favorite activities.  Though in recent years cycling has had to compete with hiking, rock climbing, skiing and very recently pickleball!    Dave claims he probably wouldn’t have met his wife of 34 years, Maryanne, were it not for cycling (but that is another story).  Starting in the early 90’s Dave regularly rode in the annual MS 150 ride around Cincinnati.  He ended up doing 20 of them, and was often one of the top fundraisers.  He’s always thought about a long distance bike ride, and with recent retirement, it became a real possibility.  And the idea of combining a long ride with raising funds to find a cure for this awful disease that is attacking his good friend Doug, just made sense.  So with the support of Doug and Dolly, and his wife Maryanne, we are off and riding (soon).

Dolly McIlvaine 
Planned route - Oxford to Boxford 


Dolly has been married to Doug for 36 years.  They have lived in Topsfield, MA for close to 30 years and they have three children and a crazy Golden Doodle.  In her teen years, Dolly was a competitive elite gymnast and developed a love of lifelong fitness and unfortunately a few creaky joints!  Cycling has enabled her to keep fit while developing a passion to ride for charity to help others.  She is a 22 year rider in  the Pan Mass Challenge, the nation's most successful athletic charity fundraiser riding two days each August across the state of Massachusetts,  raising money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.  She has also ridden for 3 years in the MA Ride to Defeat ALS as a member of Team Hope.  She hopes that this ride will not only raise awareness of this orphan disease called ALS but will also raise much needed funds to make a difference in the diagnosis, treatment and eventually finding a cure!  "We can do this together!  Please join us in our efforts!"

Steve Lopez 
Planned route - Oxford to Boxford

Steve was born and raised on Long Island, NY and moved to Ohio back in the early 1990’s to further his IT career where he lived for over three decades.  He is a lifelong biker that dates to his childhood, watching his father complete in criterium races and includes 10+ years as a competitive biathlete/triathlete.  Steve's wife, Mary, was unfortunately diagnosed with ALS in the spring of 2016 and succumbed to this disease in August of 2019.  Steve then moved to the Boston area in 2021 to be nearby his two oldest children’s families. He recently retired (for now) to focus on spending time with family, traveling, biking, and ramping up his personal commitment to fighting ALS.  Before his wife departed, he promised her that he would fight ALS to his last breath and he is all in to find a cure by 2030 along with helping out wherever possible the ALS community.  "Let’s defeat this disease together! "

Rod McGregor
Planned route - Oxford to Boxford


Rod is looking forward to doing the entire Oxford to Boxford ride, seeing Mac/other Alpha Delts and more importantly trying to raise funds to combat ALS. He admittedly confessed that the “van-driving caravan” sounds like a hell of a lot more fun! Cycling takes up more of his leisure time the last two years since he’s had partial knee replacements. He’s done a couple cycling hundred-milers and will frequently ride to Cleveland and back from his hometown of Hudson, Ohio during the summers. Rod decided that he needed to get more active 12 years ago after (in his words) turning into “a fat man of 190 pounds.” Since then, he has competed in Masters Track and Field and the Senior Olympics including setting a Masters Track Age Group Indoor World Record for the 4 x 800 meter relay with 3 other runners in March 2018.


Rod has been married to Marsha for 35 years, has a son Drew, who works with him at his North Canton-based Marketing Communications Agency and a daughter Kate, a teacher/track coach at Norton Middle School in Columbus.

Neal Restivo
Planned route - All of Ohio!

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Our fearless leader - Dave Foster


Dolly finishing the 2022 Ride to Defeat ALS

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Mary and Steve Lopez


How you can help!

There are many ways you can help make this dream a reality...

  • Sign up to ride and fundraise!

  • Volunteer to offer rider support along the way. We hope to have a least a few support vehicles to carry luggage and assist riders where needed.

  • You can make a donation to the ride!  We have set a goal of raising $75,000.

  • You can sponsor Team T shirts! Logo and design in process.

  • Do you have any connections with large hotel chains to help offset the cost of lodging along the route?

  • Sponsor a meal along the way!

  • Come cheer us on along the route!

  • Help out with the logistics of the after party!

  • Come to the after party to help celebrate and have some fun!

If you want to learn more about the ride or want to talk about how you can best support the Team, please reach out to Dave Foster at:


Please also make sure you are reading our blog entries!  You can find the blog posts by clicking on "blog" in the upper right corner of the home page!  We will be providing regular updates along the way. 


Thanks for submitting!

The ALS Oxford, OH to Boxford, MA Ride for Hope

©2023 by The ALS Oxford, OH to Boxford, MA Ride for Hope. Proudly created with

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