Lifespan after an ALS diagnosis typically is 2 to 5 years.
My morning started with a lovely yoga/stretching session on the McGregor porch with the morning sun providing warmth and comfort. As I stretched my sore muscles, I was reminded of my yoga mantra that I use sometimes to help me refocus when things get tough. "Gratitude, Hope, Acceptance, Peace" The past 4 years since Doug's diagnosis have been filled with speed bumps to say the least with lots of things happening beyond our control. As Steve Lopez reminded me a few days earlier, we cannot control what happens to us, we can only control how we respond. I certainly needed this Oxford to Boxford experience to reboot my mindset after a particularly hard 18 months and to surround myself with positivity. This experience has filled me with gratitude, has reminded me of the power of hope, has reaffirmed my belief that somethings are out of our control and we need to accept what we cannot change and... I am filled with peace. Thank you to Dave Foster and the rest of the gang for creating this experience.
Today was the easiest day on the bikes by far. 67 miles of bike paths and country roads with very little elevation. No flats, or crashes but warm breezes and sunshine. It was a perfect day for Charlie to jump in and join us. It was his first time riding any distance on a road bike but he was a rock star! He even brought along "Bernie" his childhood stuffed dog who he used to bring everywhere for support. Now it's kind of just expected that he will be along for the ride! Neal Restivo also rejoined us for day 5 and this time, no flat tires!!! Dave found a fellow beekeeper along the trail!
Again, the support crew was incredible. It just brings a big smile to my face seeing the Oxford to Banner hanging at each rest stop and seeing the guys either cheering us on or in today's case, directing traffic so we can cross the road safely to get to our designated stop. Thank you Rick! This time, they even added music.
We were off the bikes by 2:30pm and after saying goodbye to Margaret who was picked up by her daughter and Neal who was picked up by his wife, we loaded up the cars and were transported to our Air BnB in Geneva, OH. Dave's daughter Elizabeth joined us from Pittsburgh as a surprise for Father's Day. How great to finally meet her! We had a lovely dinner of pizza, salad and beer purchased by a friend of Dave's who told him she wanted to buy us dinner one night on the road! Thank you!!!! It has been a quite night with the guys watching the US Open. We are excited to have a day off the bikes tomorrow and connecting with lots of other Miami U. friends. Rumor has it Pete Ort will show up and that Nancy O'Brien will be hosting us for dinner. There has been some talk of trying our hand at Ax throwing or maybe visiting Geneva on the Lake.
Thanks again for checking in on us and keeping us in your prayers.